The cost of designing your site will depend on the type of site you require and its complexity but the following information is provided as a guide:
A simple one page 'brochure' site -£95
A standard business site - £350What you get; Up to ten pages/Image
Gallery (if required)/Customisation to your own "house
style"/Top Level Domain (TLD) name of your choice/ Email
address and mail box/Search Engine Optimisation/Links as
required/ Social Media Links to Facebook - Twitter & etc.
(If required)
A fully responsive community or
business site -£650.
What you get; Up to ten pages/Image Gallery (if
required)/Customisation to your own "house style"/Top Level
Domain (TLD) name of your choice/ Email address and mail
box/Search Engine Optimisation/Links as required/ Social
Media Links to Facebook - Twitter & etc. (If required)
Charity and not for profit community site designed to your specific requirements.- FREE
For all design packages:
Domain name registration and up to 10 MB of web space & Website management and maintenance - free and inclusive for one year.